Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor of Love

Monday, September 7, 2015
Location: Mud Puppies South Riverside, Austin, Texas
Photographer: Sousous Photography by Yana Kushner

The American Dream is that this is the land of the free, and that we all have the power to shape our lives. We know this dream has been imperfectly realized, and that there is still much work to be done to create a society where all beings are truly happy and free, but it's a beautiful dream nonetheless... 

When you love, you labor.

Our dream is that you have the freedom to do what you love, and to work at what lights you up. But even the best work ain't always easy.

Today, we salute YOU and all of your hard work. Let this Labor Day be a celebration!! Let something you've always wanted to do bubble up in your mind, and then go do it!

Let us know how it goes.
Currently Wearing
Top: Thrifted Forever 21 | Shorts: Target | Shoes: Buffalo Exchange
Bracelets: Vintage Bakelite
Bathing Suit: Vintage Budweiser | Shorts: American Eagle | Shoes: Dolce Vita
Scarf: Thrifted | Ring: Maya Star, Austin | Blazer: Thrifted

 Enjoy this carefully curated playlist for your American heart.

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